Yes, I have started the dialysis treatment for the kidney failure. I have had some adventures with it. The jury is still out as to if I can do this – I am giving it a good try.
My first dialysis run was last Saturday. A very good friend took me and stayed with me the entire time. I was dialyzed for 2 hours to start building up my body for the changes. I was having difficulty breathing if I even walked a few steps – like 5. The first time did not do enough for me to register any improvements but I knew it was a start.
My second time was Tuesday, they tried several times to get the machine hooked up correctly – lots of needle pokes and ended up with an infiltrated needle which meant they had to stop for that day. I was sent home to come back the next day at 7:15 AM. Would I do it, I was not sure at the time but after several conversations with family & friends I did indeed go back on Wednesday.
My friend took me to the dialysis center and stayed with me. They tried to start the process again, had needles inserted but they did not perform correctly. They kept working, called a doctor over and worked some more. Next they said I had to stop because they got another needle infiltrated and the doctor wanted to let the arm rest. A specialist came down and started making arrangements for a catheter be put in (doctors recommendation ) to allow the place for the dialysis site to heal. After some time arranging for the procedure I was sent to Good Samaritan Hospital to have the procedure done – they were going to squeeze me in. They apparently like to check the performance of the catheter after it is inserted but were too busy that day to do that so I was sent back to the dialysis center I started from. I got there and they started to the process and so I was dialyzed with a shortened time but they did do more cleaning – I was able to go about 10 feet before I had to stop to catch my breath. I was put on oxygen for the entire day and did indeed walk out of there being just barely able to get out – lots of stops to catch my breath. I got home a little after 7:30 that night really wondering if I would really go the next day for a treatment.
A friend picked me up early, maybe that was why I actually got in the car but I did. I got to the dialysis center, rested inside the door, was coaxed into the center, rested again and did go in for the treatment – I just had so much trouble breathing. I got hooked up OK, there were no alarms going off all the time while the treatment was going on, did not have oxygen the entire time (next time I will) and was able to walk clear to the other end of the room before I had to stop to catch my breath.
I was so swollen I could not put my shoes on with socks, Phillip had to help me get them on at all. When I had to take my shoes off at the hospital, we could not get them on again when it was time to leave so I was wearing hospital socks. The catheter is about the same height as the defibrillator on the opposite side, I guess I am balanced now. Anyway, seat belts over the shoulder are a real problem now. I am going to post a few pictures of what the areas looked like today because a friend thought I should let my children know what is happening.
Here they are:
This is my arm where they kept poking me.
The lower right corner is a big bump that does not show very well.
Here is the answer for giving my arm a break, the red spot at the top is up at my neck and the rest is the stuff they use to hook me up – dangling down my front.
I get a day off from treatments tomorrow and will be back at it on Saturday. Thank you Tanya for posting pictures that help me to focus on trying to feel better. Thank you Mike and Phillip for helping me in staying willing to work at feeling better.